With extra charge

Passivation Stainless Steel

Our passivation stainless steel offer

passivation types available
AMS2700-E, Method 1, Type 6

ASTM A967-05, Nitric 2

General information & passivation stainless steel process

Passivation treatment is done for stainless steel alloys. It is the strong presence of chromium in these alloys that gives stainless steel its anti-corrosion properties. Passivation treatment involves immersing a piece of stainless steel in chemical ponds to clean and eliminate any source of contamination on the surface of the chemical.
Then, when the part is removed from the tanks, the reaction of the chromium contained in the stainless steel with the oxygen from the ambient air forms a new layer of chromium oxide on the surface of the part. This layer thus significantly improves the piece’s resistance to corrosion. For more details on our passivation process, refer to the steps bellow.
Here at Placage Boucherville, we make sure to always follow the highest standards in the industry and this why we’ve been able to serve our clients for the last 20 years.
Capacity as far as 16’’ x 32’’ x 32’’
We have the possibility to offer other passivation treatment as needed
No change in hardness
Corrosion protection
Provides a uniform and stable passive layer
No dimension alteration

Step 1


We first carry out a thorough cleaning of the surface of the parts. This operation eliminates oils, greases and other deposits present on the surface of the parts.

Step 2


The parts are then immersed in a passivation solution (acid-based) for a certain period depending on the amount of corrosion contained on the parts.

Step 3


Once passivation is complete, the parts must be rinsed to neutralize any trace of acid that may remain on their surface.
We can provide a compliance letter guaranteeing the standards and quality of our products

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Placage Boucherville